Specialists in replacing toilet seats. Don't know what your cover is? Find it here

Toilet Seats

Bathroom aids elegantly designed for an active senior audience

Solid & Solid+

Design and Comfort

In addition to taking into account aesthetics, we prioritize ergonomics, guaranteeing comfort.

Catalog Width

40 years of experience have led us to have a catalog that covers close to 100% of needs.

Multiple Technologies

of national manufacture. Pioneers in the mass manufacturing of replacement toilet seats with co-injection, compression and CNC.

Expert Advice

We offer technical advice on identification of adaptations and compatibilities.

Toilet Seats

Solid & Solid+


Third party manufacturing, OEM and ODM

Toilet Seats

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Don't know which toilet seat fits you? Find it easily by providing the information you have.


New SC09P hinge for Alexia and Milos Ecolinetapas WC Woodline and Customline mouldings
High quality

All components made of high quality Stainless Steel

Silent Close

Patented cushioned fall system

Removable Hinge

for easy cleaning

Adjustable Hinge

for wide adaptation

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